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Best Practices for Threat and Vulnerability Response & Emergency Assessments

Start Time:

2:00 PM

End Time:

2:50 PM

Track 2: Ensuring Compliant Partnerships


It's not getting any easier. Every time we turn around there seems to be another attack or threat that demands our attention. While each event is unique, they all result in third-party risk management teams scrambling to ensure their organizations are protected. Rapid responses and emergency assessments can be knee-jerk, stressful and distracting. It doesn't have to be that way.

Join us for a discussion on the best practices to responding to zero-day vulnerability attacks and conducting emergency assessments. We'll outline what's required to prepare in advance so you're ready to execute when the time comes. From establishing solid communication channels to leveraging automation, we'll cover the necessary steps and considerations for an effective response plan.

Ed Thomas

Ed Thomas

Senior VP | ProcessUnity

Ed Thomas is a Senior Vice President at ProcessUnity, with an extensive background in Third-Party Risk Management. A seasoned expert in the field, Ed has years of experience guiding organizations on their journey to establish efficient and effective risk management programs. Combining his deep industry knowledge with practical insights, Ed aims to assist organizations in realizing the full potential of their TPRM programs.

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