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Women In TPRM Mentorship Program

Our Mentorship Program is open to anyone, regardless of TPRA membership or gender identity. Our goal for this program is to align mentors and mentees to address and support the needs of our membership. Please be sure to review participant expectations prior to applying.​

Mentor & Mentee Expectations

By setting clear guidelines and expectations, both mentors and mentees can derive maximum value from the mentorship program, fostering a positive and productive mentoring relationship. Here is a list of guidelines and expectations for program participants:

  • Mentorship relationships are intended to last a year with at minimum quarterly discussions; however, Mentors and Mentees can determine the appropriate length of the relationship based on needs.

  • Demonstrate a strong commitment to the mentorship program and the development of the mentee.

  • Allocate sufficient time for regular meetings (30 - 60 minutes on average).

  • While Mentors will facilitate and serve as role models in this relationship, by participating in the program, both Mentors and Mentees will come prepared with topics for one another, and be available, receptive, committed, and honest with each other.

  • If the mentor and/or mentee hasn't reached out and/or responded within one month of receiving your match email, then please email to receive a new mentor or mentee.

Mentorship Program Application

Welcome! Third Party Risk Association (TPRA) is excited that you have chosen to participate in our mentorship program focused on women within the field of Third-Party Risk Management (“TPRM”). 

In order to be properly matched with a mentor/mentee, please complete the below interest form. You will be notified when a match is available.

Please keep in mind that, while the program is focused on women, it is not exclusive to them. Anyone may apply for the program regardless of gender identity. If it is your goal to be matched with a TPRM professional of a specific gender, please contact TPRA or note your preference below.

While the Mentor will facilitate and serve as a role model in this relationship, by participating in this program both Mentor and Mentee should come prepared with topics for each other and be available, receptive, committed and honest with each other. We look forward to hearing back from you on the success of the program. 

Following submission of the form, you will receive an automated email confirming the success of your submission. Check your junk email for this message. If you do not receive an email, please contact Julie Gaiaschi at

Have you previously applied to TPRA's Mentorship Program?
Would you like to be a Mentor, Mentee or both?
What do you hope to gain from this relationship or experience? Select all that apply.
How often would you like to meet? While the program is meant to be a year-long, the Mentor/Mentee will determine the appropriate length of the partnership.

Note: If you experience issues submitting the form, please email Meghan at

Relationship Termination & Rematch

Please complete this form if you have/wish to end your current mentorship relationship, need to be rematched, or wish to withdraw from the program.

Feedback on Current Relationship

What is the reason for terminating the current mentor/mentee relationship?
Relationship concluded naturally (Mentorship goals were met)
Scheduling conflicts
No response after multiple attempts to contact
Want to change mentorship position preference (e.i. Mentor wanting to become Mentee)
I or my partner have changed jobs/roles within our company
Matched by mistake (e.g., didn’t apply, already have a match)
How would you rate your experience with your mentor/mentee relationship?

Future Participation

Are you interested in being rematched and continuing in the mentorship program?
Yes, I would like to be rematched.
No, I would like to be removed from this program.
I already have a match and do not need a rematch.
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