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Roundtable: Nth Parties

Track 1: Anchoring TPRM Essentials & Best Practices

Wednesday, April 9, 2025

2:10 - 3:00 PM

Atlantic Ballroom 1


The Endless Depths of Nth Parties: A Risky Voyage Beyond the Horizon

Avast, brave souls ready to explore the uncharted depths of Nth-party risk!

In this interactive roundtable, we’ll navigate the murky waters of managing risk beyond immediate vendors, diving deep into the complexities of sub-tier relationships and hidden dependencies.…

Eric Rosendaul
Eric Rosendaul

Manager, Third Party Risk, VP


Eric Rosendaul has spent the last nine years of his career in various capacities within third-party risk. Currently, he’s a manager at Citizens leading a highly skilled team of senior analysts. Prior to that, he was a senior analyst on the team, conducting onsite and virtual assessments on critical and high-risk third parties.

Before joining Citizens, Eric spent 5 years at Alliance Data Systems (now Bread Financial). While there, he…

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