The Future of TPRM: Securing the Advantage in an Era of Regulatory Uncertainty
Track 1: Anchoring TPRM Essentials & Best Practices
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
2:10 - 3:00 PM
Atlantic Ballroom 1
Businesses today face the most disruption since the COVID-19 pandemic shut down global supply chains, forcing companies to quickly reassess their vendor relationships. Now, shifts in U.S. government regulatory enforcement priorities have added to the morass of issues to contend with — including budget shortfalls across organizations of all size…
Jared Howe
Senior Solutions Consultant
Jared is a Solutions Consultant, helping clients understand how Mitratech solutions can help them overcome challenges and improve their organisation's performance. He's been working in the legal, risk, and compliance space for 11 years, with 8 of those specifically focused in the TPRM and GRC space. In his free time, Jared enjoys getting lost on one of his motorcycles whenever he isn't spending time with his family.