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Get Off the Assessment Treadmill. Take a Data-First, Questionnaire-Second Approach to TPRM

Track 3: Surfing the Waves of Innovation & Automation

Tuesday, April 8, 2025

11:00 - 11:50 AM

Atlantic Ballroom 3


The work never ends. Every year, we onboard more third parties. And every year, our assessment workload gets worse. More resources to help? Not going to happen. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. We have been at this process for years, but it continues to get worse for your team and…

Ed Thomas
Ed Thomas

Senior Vice President


Ed Thomas is a Senior Vice President at ProcessUnity, with an extensive background in Third-Party Risk Management. A seasoned expert in the field, Ed has years of experience guiding organizations on their journey to establish efficient and effective risk management programs. Combining his deep industry knowledge with practical insights, Ed aims to assist organizations in realizing the full potential of their TPRM programs. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from…

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